Testosterone Replacement/Performance Enhancement

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Testosterone Replacement Performance EnhancementStarting at about the age of 30, male Testosterone levels start to drop. Some people accept the decline as a natural part of life, of nature doing her thing. They’re certainly welcome to that view of life, but there are plenty of others who refuse to go gentle into that good night.

Then there’s the other problem, the one that no one really talks about. For some reason, be it environmental (chemical versions of estrogen in the environment), dietary, psychological (depression), or chemical (various prescription drugs), testosterone levels are dropping at a precipitous rate in younger men, too; men who are as young as 30 or 40.

In fact, your grandfather’s testosterone was probably twice as high as yours at a similar point in life, as it’s well-documented that testosterone levels have dropped by almost 50% in the past two generations.

There’s also a problem about what constitutes “normal” testosterone levels. The textbooks and labs say that normal levels for a man are between 200 to 1100 nanograms per deciliter of blood, but while a lower-tier level of 200 to 500 might be normal for some people, it might not be normal for you.

Normal for you might be towards the upper end of the scale, but since no doctor ever thinks to order a testosterone baseline for someone in their twenties, patients in their 30’s or 40’s are often forced to play this silly, maddening game where they’re ruled by some arbitrary lab values.

Plus there’s the perception of need. Conventional doctors assume that “no one ever dies from low testosterone,” so they might not see a reason to treat it. The trouble, as recent studies have shown, plenty of people do end up dying from low testosterone, as it’s been associated with cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome, a higher death rate from all causes, and death as a result of system-wide decrepitude.

This makes it absolutely essential that a responsible physician observe his patient, listen to his symptoms, evaluate him, and, if needed, formulate a treatment based on humanitarian and scientific principles to restore his health and vitality, sometimes regardless of what the numbers say.

The good news is that all of the side effects of having a testosterone deficiency can be reversed, many of them in just a matter of days or weeks.

During the first two weeks following testosterone treatment from OHMG, most men will report an improved outlook on life. They’ll feel better, they’ll have more energy, and they’ll want a bigger piece of the pie that is life.

After three or four weeks, they’ll likely start to realize what it was like to be really young again, particularly in the sex department. They’ll generally have more sexual fantasies, more sexual dreams, spontaneous erections, and repeated instances of “morning wood.”

The cosmetic and health benefits start to manifest themselves in two or three months and continue for years. Men on testosterone replacement therapy will experience increases in strength, decreases in body fat, improved blood values, and better results in general in their annual physicals.

Performance Enhancement

Performance enhancement doesn’t mean pumping your body up with steroids. OHMG regards the term to simply mean maximizing the body’s natural, God-given abilities.

If, for some reason, your testosterone or growth hormone levels are low and it’s manifested by fatigue, weakness, and poor performance, we can bring them back to normal levels. If your insulin sensitivity has been lowered by time or a poor diet, we can prescribe adjunctive therapies to fix it so that you can again add muscle and strength.

Similarly, you may be suffering from some nutritional deficiency, despite having a good diet. We can use genetic testing and blood tests to determine what that nutritional deficiency is, as well as determine what your muscle fiber ratios are so that we can advise you on what type of training is best for you.

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